Articles Tagged with Wrongful deaths

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Heart attack lawsuit Texas, medical malpractice heart attack claim, workers' compensation for heart attack, defective drug heart attack lawsuit, product liability attorney Texas, heart attack legal compensation, workplace injury heart attack claim, wrongful death heart attack lawsuit, Carabin Shaw free case review, personal injury lawyer Texas, Can I sue for a heart attack in Texas?, medical malpractice attorney for heart attack, workplace heart attack compensation lawyer, defective drug heart attack claim, product liability lawsuit for heart attack, personal injury lawyer San Antonio heart attack, heart attack workers' comp benefits Texas, wrongful death heart attack lawsuit lawyer, Carabin Shaw heart attack legal help, free consultation heart attack claim, American Heart Month, February Observances, AMA, Clients First, Injury Accident, Injury help, Carabin Shaw, Call Shaw, San Antonio, heart attacks, heart attack at work.

Learn when you can file a claim for a heart attack in Texas.

Heart Attacks: When Can You File a Claim?

It’s the month of love – it’s also American Heart Month. Have you asked how your heart is lately? Maybe check if a twinge of pain has been present recently. Even so, regularly checking on your heart can be very helpful in maintaining your overall well-being. 

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Texas carbon monoxide poisoning lawyer, CO poisoning lawsuit attorney, carbon monoxide exposure legal help, Carabin Shaw CO poisoning law firm, wrongful death CO poisoning Texas, premises liability attorney Texas, workplace carbon monoxide poisoning lawyer, rental property CO poisoning lawsuit, defective product carbon monoxide lawyer, landlord negligence CO poisoning Texas, CO poisoning compensation claim, legal help for carbon monoxide victims,carbon monoxide poisoning lawyer Texas, CO poisoning lawsuit attorney near me, legal help for carbon monoxide exposure, premises liability attorney Texas CO poisoning, workplace CO poisoning legal claim, defective product carbon monoxide lawsuit, landlord liability CO poisoning Texas, rental property carbon monoxide lawyer, free consultation CO poisoning attorney Texas, Carabin Shaw premises liability law firm, wrongful death carbon monoxide poisoning Texas, Carbon Monoxide, Carbon Monoxide Poisoning, Can I Sue for Carbon Monoxide Poisoning, Call Shaw, Carabin Shaw, Clients First, injury accident, injury help, injury at work, defective product injury,brain damage, brain injury.

Carbon monoxide injures over 100,000 people every year.

Cold Weather and Carbon Monoxide: A Hidden Danger in the Winter Months

This winter, while you’re bundling up in layers to stay warm, consider wrapping yourself in a bundle of knowledge, too—especially about the hidden risks that come with staying cozy. You might not realize it, but the very appliances and tools that keep you warm could also be releasing carbon monoxide. Even vehicle exhaust can be a major source.

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Halloween safety, child pedestrian safety, trick-or-treat safety tips, Halloween 2024, Texas Halloween safety, child pedestrian accident, Halloween accident prevention, safe costumes for kids, Halloween traffic safety, Carabin Shaw law firm, Halloween safety for parents, trick-or-treating visibility, child pedestrian tips, pedestrian safety Halloween night, Halloween safety Texas, Halloween safety statistics, glow-in-the-dark costumes, reflective tape costumes, pedestrian accidents Halloween, child injury attorney Texas, San Antonio pedestrian lawyer, child pedestrian accidents, Halloween injury prevention, safe Halloween costumes, adult supervision Halloween, Texas car accident attorney, Halloween safe walking tips, driver safety Halloween night, Halloween accident lawyer Texas, Carabin Shaw Halloween safety tips, injury accident, injury help, child injury, Call Shaw, Clients First.

More child pedestrians are killed in October than in any other month.

A Safe Halloween for Everyone: Child Pedestrian Safety Tips for Trick-or-Treaters in 2024

The countdown has begun: Halloween is almost here, and kids across Texas are brimming with excitement to show off costumes for a fun night of trick-or-treating.

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hand about to take car keys with whiskey glass on white background depicting drunk driving and addictions can kill. drunk driving, drunk driving san antonio, avoid drunk driving, how to avoid drunk driving, drunk driving alternatives.

Choose safer habits this holiday season and start the new year with no regrets.

3 Practical Alternatives to Drunk Driving During the Holidays

Everybody knows that driving drunk is dangerous, illegal, and just plain stupid. Yet, especially in San Antonio, drunk driving is still a major problem affecting even our government officials.

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Drug abuse comes with harsh legal punishments in Texas.

Teen Charged with Murder after Fentanyl Overdose Kills a 15-Year-Old Highschool Student

If you use the Google search engine, you probably know that today is Fentanyl Awareness Day. This comes just six days after a teenager in the Kyle, Texas area is charged with the murder and delivery of a controlled substance to a minor after a 15-year-old Lehman High School student overdosed on fentanyl-laced drugs. Drug charges are no joke, and they have more repercussions on your life than you might think, especially if you’re a teenager.

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Bottled formulas are a common replacement for breastfeeding.

(February 27, 2023) Enfamil recalled nearly 145,000 cans of plant-based baby formula on Sunday, February 19, 2023, due to potential contamination. The parent company, Reckitt, said in a statement that the recall was out of an “abundance of caution” and that all of the distributed products tested negative but that the recalled cans may have been contaminated with Cronobacter sakazakii. Unfortunately, this is not the first time Enfamil has had potentially life-threatening products on the shelves.

Enfamil and Necrotizing Enterocolitis (NEC)

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(June 3, 2022) On Thursday, June 2, 2022, a pilot crashed his plane in a Medina County field and walked away from the accident with only minor injuries, as reported by KSAT News. The pilot, William Fahey, was taking his single-engine handmade plane for a test flight when his engine suddenly gave out. He crashed into a field upside down but managed to walk away with nothing but a couple of scratches, one on his arm and one on his leg. The Police responded to the single-engine plane crash south of FM 211 and Culebra in Media County at around 2:41 PM, just outside of Loop 1604. No one else was injured. The pilot told KSAT that he was “absolutely blessed” and “It could have been so much worse.”

What do I do if I’ve Been in an Aviation Accident in Texas?

Most of us do not fly – or crash – our own handmade planes. But what do you do if you have been in a commercial or private aviation accident? Aviation accidents do not happen very often, especially when compared to automobile accidents or public transport accidents. However, when they do happen, they are almost always fatal or result in very serious personal injury. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) extensively investigates aviation accidents in the United States. Because of this, there is a lot of data and evidence recovered after an aviation accident about the airline, the pilots, and the manufacturers of the plane. Manufacturers can be found to be at fault for up to seventy percent of the accident due to faulty manufacturing practices, which are strictly regulated. The airline itself may also be found at fault for up to thirty percent due to violations such as missing or poorly executing inspections.

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After being fed baby formula, if your precious baby developed a horrendous disease called Necrotizing Enterocolitis (NEC), you might qualify for compensation. Recently, studies show that certain baby formula products have a higher chance of causing NEC in premature infants. Enfamil and Similac are two brands that have failed to warn parents of the dangers associated with using their products. If your baby has developed NEC after being fed Enfamil or Similac products, you may be able to receive compensation. 

NEC is a terrible disease that attacks the intestines. The condition causes infections and inflammations in the intestine, causing the intestinal tissue to die. In some cases, a hole can form in the infant’s intestine, and intestinal bacteria can leak into the abdominal area or bloodstream, causing a possibly fatal infection. Some premature infants suffer from mild symptoms, and some suffer life-threatening ones. 

When your premature infant is developing, they typically need extra nutrition to help them grow. If the parent decides not to breastfeed the child, nurses may recommend using baby formula. While this seems like an easy decision to make, that may not be the case. 

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Paraquat, a toxic chemical herbicide used to exterminate unruly weeds and grass, has been highly popularized in its use and was first produced for commercial use in 1962. There are many brands of paraquat products, and some of these include, Gramoxone, Goldquat, Almoxone, and many more. Paraquat is extremely popular and is one of the most commonly used herbicides around the globe. However, due to its extremely high toxicity, many precautions have been taken to purchase and use this herbicide in the United States.  

The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) decided to put mitigation measures on the use of Paraquat to protect human health and the environment. Here’s a quote from the United States EPA website “In July 2021, after receiving and considering public comments on the Paraquat proposed interim decision, EPA released the interim decision for registration review. As part of this action, EPA requires mitigation measures to reduce risks associated with Paraquat in order to protect human health and the environment.” 

Paraquat is so toxic that it can lead to death if accidentally ingested, and there is no antidote for it. Because it’s so toxic, in the U.S., precautions are taken, such as adding a dye to the substance and a sharp odor to deter an individual from accidentally ingesting it. Not only that, but only those with a commercial license can even purchase the product, let alone use it. In addition, An individual can not use this product even if they are under the supervision of a certified applicator. 

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Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC)  is a horrible disease that can affect premature infants. The condition is gastrointestinal and causes inflammation and infections in the intestines that can lead to the intestinal cells dying. If the inflammation gets severe, it can create holes in the intestine, potentially leading to intestinal bacteria getting into the affected infant’s abdominal area or blood. If this happens, getting a severe illness or a deadly blood infection is, unfortunately, a possible outcome.  

When a baby is born underweight or prematurely, they often need extra protein to strengthen their tiny bodies while they grow. The little one’s growth can be very challenging all on its own, which is why if the baby doesn’t breastfeed, the doctor or nurse may recommend using baby formula products. While this may seem like an entirely sound choice to make, unfortunately, this is not always the case. Studies have recently shown a link between premature infants developing NEC and baby formula. 

Trusting companies who develop baby formulas can be so easy. After all, the reason they are developed is to help your infant get the proper nourishment they need for their healthy growth. But unfortunately, some companies fail to warn parents of the risks their product could have on their infants. Popular baby formula brands like Similac and Enfamil did not properly warn parents that using their products could increase their infants’ risk of getting NEC. When manufacturers fail to warn consumers about their products’ potential dangers, it becomes a serious issue. 

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