Articles Tagged with Carabin Shaw Personal Injury

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Learn the most common causes of injuries over spring break and how to avoid them.

Avoiding Accidents Over Spring Break

Spring break is coming! Have you planned where and how you will spend your week off from college or as a family? As you pack your spring break essentials, it is important that you are also geared up with precautions and how you will keep yourself and your family injury-free as you leave. 

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Winter weather makes slip-and-fall accidents more likely.

Common Causes of Sidewalk Injuries in Texas and How to Avoid Them

Winter weather is finally appearing across Texas, just in time for the holidays. However, these wet, icy, and sometimes snowy conditions can cause dangerous hazards for pedestrians.

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You can sue for heatstroke injuries in certain circumstances.

Heatstroke Injuries at Outdoor Events in Texas: When to Sue

Record-breaking heat is scorching the greater part of Texas this summer.

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Texas drivers are among the most likely to drive drunk in the nation.

Texas Ranks Among Top 5 for Worst Drivers in the Nation Yet Again in 2024 Study

Another Forbes Advisor study has analyzed the fatal accidents across the 50 states to find out which states have the worst drivers, and Texas is among the highest in the nation.

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Car accidents can impact your life in ways you may never have considered.

How a Car Accident Can Change Your Life in Ways You Didn’t Expect

No one wakes up and thinks, “I’m going to get into a car accident today.” They just happen. And, when they do happen, you don’t expect them to have a lasting impact on your life.

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delayed injury, delayed injury symptoms, delayed injury car wreck, common delayed injuries, what is a delayed injury, what injuries are delayed pain, can you have delayed reaction to injury, can back injury show up later.

Some injuries don’t make themselves clear right away after a car accident.

5 Delayed Injuries After a San Antonio Car Accident — What to Look for

At Carabin Shaw, we always recommend getting checked out by a medical professional after a car accident, even if you don’t think you’re hurt. There’s a good reason.

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