Car theft is on the rise in San Antonio and across neighboring cities.
Car Theft to Spike Over the 2024 Winter Holiday Season in San Antonio: Here’s What You Need to Know
Car theft in San Antonio has steadily been on the rise since 2019.
Car theft is on the rise in San Antonio and across neighboring cities.
Car theft in San Antonio has steadily been on the rise since 2019.
Car accidents can impact your life in ways you may never have considered.
No one wakes up and thinks, “I’m going to get into a car accident today.” They just happen. And, when they do happen, you don’t expect them to have a lasting impact on your life.
Kids Across San Antonio are Heading Back-to-School
(August 25, 2022) San Antonio is officially back to school this week. Back to school means busy parents are rushing to drop off their kids before work, and school buses are adding to the already congested construction traffic areas. It’s important during this time that drivers brush up on their back-to-school safe driving techniques. In this article, we’ll look at crash statistics and cover tips for safe driving practices during the school season, as well as what to do if your child has been injured in a school transportation accident.
Did you know?
The dangers of hydroplaning
(August 23, 2022) The National Weather Service has issued a flash flood warning for San Antonio and the surrounding hill country for the extremely heavy rain we have recently experienced. This rain is expected to stay for the remainder of the week. Driving in the rain comes with many complications and unique dangers that can increase your risk of being in an accident. In this article, we’ll take a look at some safety tips for driving in the rain, as well as the causes of hydroplaning and how to avoid it.
Did you know?
Here at Carabin Shaw, we are concerned about making Texas roads safer and our state an even better place to live. Kxan reports that in Austin, “On average, more than 11 people have died each day in traffic-related accidents on Texas roadways in 2021, state transportation leaders said Thursday. Each of these deaths has contributed to the state’s nearly 21-year streak of at least one traffic death per day.”
Bob Kaufman, the Texas Department of Transportation chief communications officer, stated. “We have a real crisis in our state,”
On Thursday, in a conference, the Texas Department of Transportation officials (DOT) broke down avoidable components that have given rise to more than two decades worth of traffic fatalities. The Texas Department of Transportation official, Michael Chacon, stated on Thursday that there were 3,556 fatalities statewide in 2021. In 2020, 3,896 individuals lost their lives in fatal traffic accidents in Texas. The total deaths figure was the highest it’s been in almost 30 years.
Texas car accidents range in severity, and individuals may exhibit significant differences in their responses to these potentially traumatic events. The magnitude of an accident may not become evident until some time after the incident; thus, Texas accident victims must take steps to address their injuries and preserve their recovery rights. Although it is unreasonable to expect motorists to fully prepare for another driver’s negligence, there are specific preparations motorists can take in the event of these unanticipated situations.
Motorists should ensure that their cars are in proper working order and keep their insurance and registration information easily accessible in their vehicles. Although many people do not find the need for pens and paper as they once did, it is advisable to keep these supplies handy to jot down and exchange information quickly.
After an accident, adrenaline and emotions are often running high, and the full extent of damages and injuries may not be readily apparent. Those involved in a Texas accident should err on the side of receiving medical treatment after an accident. While immediate transportation to a hospital may not be necessary, accident victims should consult with their primary physician or urgent care after an accident. Drivers should also check on their passengers and other people involved in the incident.
Every time we get behind the wheel in Texas, we must accept a certain level of risk as drivers. Even if we are careful, proactive, and courteous on the road, there is no guarantee that external factors will not cause a car accident. Other drivers, poor weather conditions, or unexpected obstacles on the road can all play a role in the chances of being involved in an accident. Unfortunately, for many of these accidents, there is nothing you can do to prepare outside of staying vigilant and ensuring your vehicle is properly maintained.
According to a local news report, a mother was killed after a tragic and sudden accident. The mother and her 17-year-old son were on their way home from a baseball game and were traveling southbound behind a white pickup truck when the tire and wheel from a pickup truck flew off. The tire and wheel went over the highway’s concrete barrier and smashed into the mother’s windshield, killing her instantly. At the time of the accident, the woman’s son was asleep in the front passenger seat. He was transported to the hospital with serious injuries. After the tire and wheel crashed through the mother’s windshield, she lost control and rear-ended a GMC ahead of her, which had four passengers. All four were transported to a local hospital, reportedly in serious, but stable, condition. The accident remains under investigation by local authorities, and the cause of the tire and wheel falling off is not yet clear.
According to officials, although this accident may seem like a freak accident, these types of collisions are more common than you may expect. Based on 2017 data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 738 people died in tire-related crashes similar to the accident that took the mother’s life. In addition, more than 19,000 people are hurt every year from these accidents, according to the National Transportation Safety Board. Many of these accidents, however, can be preventable or the impact lessened with some easy steps.
Car accidents are a headache to deal with. Texas hit and run accidents, however, can cause a headache and then some. Because the other driver has run off after an accident, you may now be stuck paying for any damage incurred from your vehicle and any medical expenses that you may rack up if you have been injured. Since hit and run accidents can often have devastating consequences, it is crucial that those who are responsible are held accountable, whenever possible.
According to a recent news report, a local hit and run accident left a motorcyclist dead. Based on law enforcement reports, constables say there were two separate accidents. First, a car turned in front of a motorcycle going in the opposite direction, which struck and killed the motorcyclist. Following this initial accident, debris left behind from the crash caused a hit and run crash involving two more vehicles, and an SUV involved in the second crash fled the scene. According to local authorities, it is unclear whether any charges will be filed following this collision.
In Texas, hit and run accident laws are strictly enforced. Depending on the severity of physical damage or injuries incurred during the collision, it can result in either a felony or misdemeanor conviction and is considered a crime.
In a typical car accident involving just two vehicles, it can be challenging to determine who was actually at fault. However, in collisions with several vehicles, resulting in multiple accidents, it can be even messier to determine how the accident started, who hit who, and what actually happened. In these Texas chain-reaction car accidents, it is crucial that accident victims have an experienced attorney in their corner to help them pursue the compensation they deserve.
According to a recent news report, a young man was killed in an accident when he laid down his motorcycle to avoid hitting a stopped car on the road. Local authorities stated that the motorcyclist was coming up a hill when he noticed a long line of stalled cars in front of him. When two vehicles that were ahead of the young man swerved out of the way to avoid crashing into the line of stalled cars, it caused the motorcyclist to lay down his bike and crash into the back of a stopped car. Although he was wearing a helmet, authorities reported that the motorcyclist did not survive the crash. The incident is still being investigated by local law enforcement, but the crash was likely an accident without criminal conduct involved.
One of the biggest problems in these accidents is that the at-fault party or parties do not have enough insurance coverage to fully compensate a victim for the injuries they suffered as a result of the accident. All Texas drivers must have auto insurance minimums of $30,000 per person and $60,000 per accident for bodily injury liability. Also, drivers are required to have at least $25,000 in coverage for property damage.
We’ve all been there—after a long day at work, or on the way to work, you find yourself fighting to keep your eyes open to focus on driving. In Texas, where most people own a car and driving is a regular part of getting around and commuting, Texas drivers are especially susceptible to these accidents because of how much time is spent on the road. Whether it was stress from the day or a restless night of sleep the night before, drowsy driving is dangerous and can often lead to fatal consequences. Unfortunately, Texas drowsy driving accidents are more common than you may expect.
According to a recent report, fatal drowsy driving accidents continue to be a widespread public safety issue in the United States. Between 2010 and 2018, drowsy driving accidents killed 7,392 people nationwide. In total, 22% of these accidents occurred on Texas highways and interstates, making the state home to America’s most drowsy drivers. Although the number of fatalities caused by these accidents has decreased since 2010, the number of accidents in Texas continues to be nearly four times greater than the state with the next greatest percentage of fatalities. On the state’s busiest, traffic-heavy roads, there were ten times more fatal crashes than the national average.
When it comes to drowsy driving accidents, people 25 to 34 are most susceptible to these crashes. Nearly 16% of victims from 2010 to 2018 were in this category, making this statistic especially troubling. Because a single accident stemming from drowsy driving is likely to kill more than one person, the lethal nature of these accidents must be emphasized.