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St. Patrick’s Day Celebrations: Drunk Driving Accidents and Legal Consequences

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Alcohol and driving don’t mix.


Drunk Driving Accidents on St. Patrick’s Day

Between 2018 and 2022, the NHTSA recorded a total of 209 DUI-related deaths during St. Patrick’s Day. 74 fatalities happened in 2022 alone. 

Heavy drinking and drunk driving spike around most holidays, but St. Patrick’s Day is one of the more heavily alcohol-focused celebrations. Combined with the fact that many Texans do not take drunk driving seriously, it’s no wonder why so many people die in alcohol-related accidents every year.

Common Injury Risks During St. Patrick’s Day Celebrations and How to Avoid Them

A St. Patrick’s Day celebration isn’t complete with a drink. However, lots of people getting together and getting drunk puts them at risk of many types of accidents, including:

  1. Car Accidents – Regardless of being alcohol-impaired, many drivers still choose to drive, increasing the chances of causing accidents. In fact, 34% of crash fatalities were recorded in 2022 due to alcohol-impaired drivers. 
  2. Pedestrian Accidents – Drunk drivers put innocent pedestrians at risk. However, drunk pedestrians put themselves in danger frequently and can be responsible for an accident if they don’t yield the right of way.
  3. Slip and Fall – Spilled drinks, messy grounds, and too much alcohol intoxication can cause you or your loved one to slip or fall during a party or at an event.

Celebrating a festival isn’t dangerous. But, too much drinking is. Before consuming alcohol, remember to: 

  • Control the amount of alcohol you take, and choose not to drive if you’re going to be drinking. 
  • Grab an Uber or a taxi when you are alone and need a designated driver, or ask a friend for a ride.
  • Keep an eye out for spills and report them to staff to avoid a bad accident–even a short fall can result in a serious injury.

Make the choice to keep yourself and others safe BEFORE you start drinking. Alcohol impairs judgment, meaning that it changes the way that you think, even if you feel normal. You can’t decide if you’re too drunk to drive if you’ve already had something to drink.

What Do I Do If I’m Hit by a Drunk Driver?

Just because you’re making the choice to drive responsibly doesn’t mean other drivers will. If you’re injured by a drunk driver, follow these steps to protect a potential claim:

  • Call 9-1-1 — If you or anyone is injured, this is legally required. It’s not legally required to call the police for a drunk driver, but you always should. Drunk driving is a crime that poses a serious threat to the public, despite what the drunk driver may claim.
  • Document the Scene — Take photos and/or video of the accident scene, any injuries, and any damage to property.
  • Seek Medical Attention — If EMS is at the scene, fully cooperate with them. If they want to take you to the hospital, go with them. If EMS did not arrive at the scene, go to an emergency room to get checked out, just in case. Some injuries that are life-threatening don’t immediately show themselves when adrenaline is rushing through your body.
  • Call an Auto Accident Lawyer

Drunk driving is a crime, and even though you didn’t do anything wrong, insurance may not cover a driver who was driving drunk. Without help from a lawyer, you may struggle to get the full legal compensation you’re entitled to after being injured by a drunk driver.

Injured by a Drunk Driver on St. Patrick’s Day? Call Shaw.

It’s genuinely tragic to get impaired amidst a celebration. If you or your loved one had got injured due to an alcohol-impaired driver anywhere in Texas, you could be entitled to compensation for things like:

  • Ambulance Costs,
  • ER Treatment,
  • Surgeries,
  • Medical Bills,
  • Pain and Suffering,
  • Trauma/PTSD
  • Property Damage,
  • Missed Work,
  • Wrongful Death,
  • And More.

We can help you find out for free.

Call Shaw at 800-862-1260 today or use the live chat to schedule your free case evaluation with one of our experienced personal injury lawyers. No fees, no obligations, just expert legal advice. We put our clients first because we care.

We look forward to serving you.

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