Frostbite and Hypothermia: Legal Considerations for Injuries in Extreme Cold
Victims of hypothermia or frostbite injuries may be able to recover medical bills and missed work compensation in Texas.
Victims of hypothermia or frostbite injuries may be able to recover medical bills and missed work compensation in Texas.
Texas ranks 10th in the nation for the rate of new lung cancer cases at 48.6 per 100,000 yearly.²
As Elder Abuse Awareness Month is coming to a close, temperatures are skyrocketing across Texas, putting seniors at risk.
When you are injured because of the reckless actions of another party, the law requires that you be financially compensated. Naturally, the defendants in your case (the person/people who injured you) are going to use every tool available to shift the blame away from them so they don’t have to pay.
If you, like many others in San Antonio, have been injured at work, in an auto accident, by a dog attack, or because of the negligent actions of another individual, you may be wondering what a typical personal claim looks like. While each case is as unique as the individual that files it, there are a few essential elements of the personal injury claim process that you can expect to see in your claims process.
There are roughly 340 million people injured at work in the United States every year. If an employer has worker’s compensation coverage, otherwise referred to as worker’s comp, then the injuries sustained by the worker should be paid for. However, this is not always the case. So, how do you know when it’s a good idea to hire an experienced worker’s comp attorney to help you file your claim?
Paraquat is an extremely popular herbicide used by many licensed agricultural workers. The reason it’s so popular is that this product is highly effective when it comes to killing nasty weeds and overgrown grass. However, there are risks to using this product. Studies have shown that there’s an increased risk of developing Parkinson’s disease from being exposed to Paraquat. It is, In fact, so toxic that only certified professionals are allowed to buy this product and use it by law in the United States.
Parkinson’s disease is vicious to those it affects. It progressively shuts down the nervous system as It slowly kills certain nerve cells called neurons found in the brain. Many of the symptoms are due to a loss of neurons that produce a chemical messenger called dopamine. When there is a decrease in dopamine, the brain begins to have abnormal activity, and your movement capabilities can begin to fail. However, many other symptoms can occur when this happens.
This disease can lead to the person developing issues with chewing and swallowing properly due to the disease affecting the muscles in their mouth. In addition, cognitive issues like being unable to remember things and control your emotions (dementia) are also symptoms of this horrendous disease. There are many symptoms such as; general pain in the body or specific areas, losing your ability to differentiate particular odors you previously could without any difficulties, having a lack of energy throughout the day, changes in blood pressure causing you to feel lightheaded or dizzy, and many others.
To save time and labor, farmers and agricultural workers often turn to herbicides to aid them in their agricultural work. For example, some herbicides like Paraquat aid them in exterminating overgrown weeds and other unwanted grasses. Unfortunately, while this may be beneficial to the farmer saving them time and money, Paraquat can have fatal consequences. Paraquat is an extremely poisonous herbicide that can lead to death if an individual or agricultural worker ingests it.
Paraquat can not even be purchased in the United States unless the applicator has a license for it. The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has classified it as “restricted use.”. This herbicide has very tight restrictions due to the fact it’s highly poisonous. Unlike most other herbicides, Paraquat can’t be applied if the applicator does not have a license, even if they are under the supervision of someone who does. Paraquat is so dangerous that only licensed professionals are allowed to apply it on their crops.
Several safety precautions are taken to deter an individual from confusing Paraquat with a beverage or other liquid. In the United States, A blue dye and sharp odor are added to the liquid so that one doesn’t confuse it with other beverages as well as an added agent that causes vomiting if accidentally ingested. In addition, those who apply the product must wear extra protective equipment such as respiratory protection, safety glasses, and more. Those who mix and load Paraquat are required to wear full-face shields and chemical-resistant aprons.
Paraquat is a popular herbicide used among agricultural workers and farmers because of its highly destructive nature towards unwanted grasses and weeds. This herbicide is so good at its job that it is one of the most widely used herbicides in the United States. However, It is highly poisonous to humans and wildlife, making it dangerous to use, necessitating numerous safety regulations. Paraquat is classified by the EPA as “restricted use” and can only be applied and purchased by a certified individual with a license. In addition, there are special agents added that cause vomiting if ingested, a blue dye, and a sharp odor added to Paraquat in the United States to differentiate it from beverages one might drink.
While using Paraquat is beneficial to the farmers because it reduces the need for labor and saves money, there are risks with using this product that can be fatal. For example, studies have shown an increased risk of developing Parkinson’s disease after using Paraquat. According to the mayo clinic, “Parkinson’s disease is a progressive nervous system disorder that affects movement.” This disease can have a range in symptoms. For example, you may have trouble with mobility, such as trouble with walking, your muscles may stiffen up, you may shake and have trouble with balance and coordination. Another example of possible symptoms is dementia, loss of smell, problems with speech, and difficulty writing.
Paraquat, a toxic chemical herbicide used to exterminate unruly weeds and grass, has been highly popularized in its use and was first produced for commercial use in 1962. There are many brands of paraquat products, and some of these include, Gramoxone, Goldquat, Almoxone, and many more. Paraquat is extremely popular and is one of the most commonly used herbicides around the globe. However, due to its extremely high toxicity, many precautions have been taken to purchase and use this herbicide in the United States.
The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) decided to put mitigation measures on the use of Paraquat to protect human health and the environment. Here’s a quote from the United States EPA website “In July 2021, after receiving and considering public comments on the Paraquat proposed interim decision, EPA released the interim decision for registration review. As part of this action, EPA requires mitigation measures to reduce risks associated with Paraquat in order to protect human health and the environment.”
Paraquat is so toxic that it can lead to death if accidentally ingested, and there is no antidote for it. Because it’s so toxic, in the U.S., precautions are taken, such as adding a dye to the substance and a sharp odor to deter an individual from accidentally ingesting it. Not only that, but only those with a commercial license can even purchase the product, let alone use it. In addition, An individual can not use this product even if they are under the supervision of a certified applicator.