Articles Posted in Personal Injury

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Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC)  is a horrible disease that can affect premature infants. The condition is gastrointestinal and causes inflammation and infections in the intestines that can lead to the intestinal cells dying. If the inflammation gets severe, it can create holes in the intestine, potentially leading to intestinal bacteria getting into the affected infant’s abdominal area or blood. If this happens, getting a severe illness or a deadly blood infection is, unfortunately, a possible outcome.  

When a baby is born underweight or prematurely, they often need extra protein to strengthen their tiny bodies while they grow. The little one’s growth can be very challenging all on its own, which is why if the baby doesn’t breastfeed, the doctor or nurse may recommend using baby formula products. While this may seem like an entirely sound choice to make, unfortunately, this is not always the case. Studies have recently shown a link between premature infants developing NEC and baby formula. 

Trusting companies who develop baby formulas can be so easy. After all, the reason they are developed is to help your infant get the proper nourishment they need for their healthy growth. But unfortunately, some companies fail to warn parents of the risks their product could have on their infants. Popular baby formula brands like Similac and Enfamil did not properly warn parents that using their products could increase their infants’ risk of getting NEC. When manufacturers fail to warn consumers about their products’ potential dangers, it becomes a serious issue. 

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How do you know if you have a personal injury claim? You can suffer personal injuries when injured physically, psychologically, or emotionally usually due to negligence, carelessness, or wrongful conduct of another individual. It’s typically the case that when an individual files a personal injury claim, they or someone they love sustained injuries due to another’s negligent actions. 

Because personal injury law covers a vast amount of different situations, it’s extremely important for you to consult with an experienced lawyer if you believe you have a personal injury claim. For instance, you are potentially at risk of suffering personal injuries in situations such as automobile accidents, trucking accidents, dog bites, motorcycle accidents, and many others.  

Given this information, you need to seek professional legal advice from an experienced lawyer to know if you have a personal injury claim. A personal injury attorney will aim to determine who is responsible for the injury or death. They then evaluate the legal issues applicable in a particular situation and determine which course of action is best for their clients. If required, they will file a personal injury lawsuit on behalf of those injured. They take these steps in order to protect the injured party’s rights and ensure proper compensation is received.

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What is Paraquat? Paraquat, also known as Gramoxone, is an herbicide primarily used for weed and grass management. However, According to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), It is a toxic chemical. The CDC also states that the highly poisonous herbicide marketed to the United States has safeguards such as a blue dye, a sharp odor, and an added agent that induces vomiting if ingested. These safeguards are in place to warn potential users of its toxicity. Because this herbicide is so toxic and can lead to fatal poisoning, only licensed professionals can use it.

Why is Paraquat Used? The herbicide kills weeds and unwanted grasses because of its incredible effectiveness, which is why, in the United States, commercial farmers and agricultural workers have used this product to control their land’s unruly weeds and grass since 1964. Before harvest, it also is used as a defoliant on crops, such as cotton. There are many uses for this herbicide, but unfortunately, the consequences can be fatal. 

How can you get poisoned by Paraquat? Acute poisoning can occur because of accidental ingestion, inhalation, or skin exposure by an individual. It can cause damage to the lungs, intestines, stomach, and mouth when ingested in small amounts, while in large quantities, it can damage multiple organs and lead to death within hours. The most common way of getting poisoning from this herbicide is by accidentally ingesting it. Unfortunately, there is no antidote after getting poisoned by this toxic chemical.

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In premature infants, both Enfamil, a baby formula manufactured by Mead Johnson, and Similac, a baby formula manufactured by Abbott Laboratories, can cause necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC). This gastrointestinal condition, necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC), is severe and causes intestinal tissue death. It may even be fatal in as many as 50% of cases. In addition, the intestinal inflammation caused by this horrible condition may cause holes in the intestine. It is even possible for bacteria from the intestinal tract to leak into the abdomen or blood, causing severe illnesses or deadly blood infections. The condition can also cause severe health issues like sepsis, intestinal strictures, developmental problems, and cerebral palsy.

A study in Lancet, 1990, found that this horrendous condition NEC was up to 10 times more likely in premature infants given formula. In recent years, several studies have linked cow’s milk-based formula to an increased risk of NEC in premature infants, based on cases filed against baby formula products.

Similac and Enfamil manufacturers are facing lawsuits from parents because they were aware or should have been aware that their baby formula products could cause necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) in premature infants. In addition, these companies did not warn parents or medical providers about the risk. According to the parents who sued, Enfamil and Similac failed to indicate that NEC is a possible side effect of their baby formulas or provide proper instructions or guidelines on using the product. As an added concern, these companies marketed their baby formula products as safe and beneficial for premature infants despite potential risks. 

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You might be wondering what Necrotizing enterocolitis or NEC is. It is a common and severe intestinal condition among premature infants. It occurs when tissue in the large or small intestine is injured or inflamed. When the tissue gets damaged or inflamed, it may lead to the death of intestinal tissue and, sometimes, a hole (perforation) in the intestinal wall.

When an infant has NEC, the intestine can no longer hold waste. This may cause bacteria to find their way into the bloodstream and cause a deadly infection. In addition, waste could potentially enter into the infant’s abdomen and cause the infant to get critically ill. Because of all the damage sustained to the intestines, sections may die and need to get removed. 

Symptoms of this potentially deadly disease include but are not limited to an unstable and low body temperature, apnea (pauses in breathing), being lethargic or less active, constipation, trouble feeding, and diarrhea. 

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Bringing new life into the world is one of the most joyous occasions an individual can experience. When someone becomes a parent, the world changes instantly and all prior priorities fade. That means that when something tragic happens to a baby, the pain is beyond description.  

In recent years, several baby formulas have been linked to birth defects, especially in premature babies. One of the most commonly developed conditions is a serious gastrointestinal illness known as Necrotizing Enterocolitis [NEC]. According to the U.S. National Library of Medicine, 40% of babies with NEC die from it. 

If your child is suffering from NEC, you may be eligible for a baby formula lawsuit. It is vital to contact the Carabin Shaw NEC attorneys as soon as possible.   

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pexels-joshua-santos-9083235-150x150In many situations, those who suffer injuries at a public location because of another’s negligence may claim recovery under Texas’ premises liability laws. However, like most tort laws, premises liability is rife with exceptions and immunity clauses. The exceptions largely hinge on the classification of the property or business owner and the injury victim. As such, these cases tend to be complex and require an extensive understanding of Texas negligence laws.

Premises liability cases stemming from sporting events, such as baseball games, prove challenging for many accident victims. While many spectators bring a baseball glove in the hopes of catching a foul ball, many do not realize the dangers of a foul ball. However, the Major League Ball (MLB) assumes that spectators understand the potential risk of being struck by a foul ball.

In many situations, spectators can catch a foul ball or avoid serious injuries; however, the force of a foul ball slamming into an unsuspecting fan’s head can have a devastating impact. Spectators can suffer traumatic brain injuries, bruising, broken facial bones, skull fractures, and similar injuries. A foul ball could even kill a spectator. For example, the parents of a young child who was hit by a foul ball at a Houston Astros game finally settled with the team.

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pexels-skitterphoto-17605-150x150Recently, an appellate court issued an opinion in an accident lawsuit involving a Texas resident. The victim’s joined his church group on an out-of-state wilderness expedition trip. The church hired a company to arrange the group’s activities. The company required the participants to complete a “registration form” and “medical form.” On the first day of the trip, the victim participated in a rappelling course. However, during the course, he became inverted, fell, and died. The victim’s wife filed a lawsuit against the rappelling company.

In response to the lawsuit, the company moved for summary judgment arguing, amongst several issues, that Texas law did not apply to the case. Cases involving Texas residents suffering injuries in another state can pose many challenges to plaintiffs. The law provides that in diversity actions, the court should apply the conflict-of-laws rules of the forum state. This also applies in contract language dispute matters.

In this case, Texas laws require liability releases to be “adequately conspicuous,” which is a stricter standard than Colorado law. As such, the plaintiff contended that because her husband signed the release in Texas, Texas law should apply. However, the magistrate judge concluded that Colorado law controlled the matter. On appeal, the appellate court explained that Colorado law applies because diversity actions require courts to apply the conflict-of-laws rules of the forum state.

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pexels-kampus-production-6300862-300x200San Antonio, Texas:  It’s back to school and back on the roads in Texas, make sure your children are safely buckled up or strapped in for trips in the car.

Motor vehicle crashes are a leading cause of death among children. While most people believe their children are properly buckled up, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) points out that 59% of all car seats are misused. The best way to keep young children safe in your vehicle is to make sure they’re properly buckled up in a car seat. That means selecting a car seat that’s appropriate for a child’s age and size and installing it correctly.

“We encourage parents to take advantage of car seat safety checks available during Passenger Safety Week (September 19-25th).  With proper car seat, car seat installment, and seat belt placement, children are far safer during a motor vehicle collision,” said Carabin Shaw Attorney Carla Dixon. “Knowing the guidelines for height and weight for your children is also extremely important to ensure your child is in the proper car seat or booster seat.  Serious injuries can be greatly reduced as well if we place children rear-facing car seats until ages 2-4.”

Published on:’ year-round warm climate combined with vast open spaces make the state home to an array of theme parks, amusement parks, and outdoor recreational parks. While these locations are a great place for couples and families to spend a day together, they also pose many risks to park-goers and employees. While serious injuries at a Texas amusement park are uncommon, they occur and can result in lifelong consequences.

For example, The New York Times recently reported on chemical exposure at a Texas amusement park. In late July, 26 people suffered exposure to bleach and sulfuric acid at a Six Flags amusement park. Park officials became aware of the incident when nearly 60 people began experiencing burning and breathing problems while in the shallow end of a children’s pool. Authorities evacuated the park and had the affected individuals wash their eyes under the fire truck’s hose. However, nearly half of the individuals were taken to the hospital, and one person remains in critical condition.

The children’s pool should maintain a pH balance of 7. However, testing revealed that the pool contained a combination of 35 percent sulfuric acid and approximately 12 percent bleach. While investigators do not believe the contamination was intentional, they are unsure how the event occurred. The chemicals found in the pool are the typical chemicals that the park uses every day to clean and sanitize the pool. However, they are investigating the system that injects the chemicals to determine whether the system malfunctioned. Safety logs indicated that safety officials inspected the park about three weeks before the incident. A County Judge closed down the park until the investigation is complete. Further, the Judge indicated that the park should have been recording the pH balance levels; however, they have yet to discover whether that log exists.

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