Articles Posted in Personal Injury

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Transvaginal mesh devices are designed to treat pelvic organ prolapse (POP) and stress urinary incontinence (SUI). According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), in 2010, of the 300,000 women who had surgery for POP, 1 in 3 used transvaginal mesh devices. At the same time, of the 260,000 women who underwent surgery for SUI in 2010, 80% involved transvaginal mesh.

Unfortunately, many women have suffered an array of injuries as a result of the use of these devices. More specifically, there are more than 3,600 cases against transvaginal mesh manufacturer CR Bard, Inc.’s Avaulta alone in the United States. Notably, Bard is not the only transvaginal mesh company being sued. Other companies named as defendants in suits nationwide include American Medical Systems, Johnson & Johnson, and Boston Scientific Corp. In total, one judge has been assigned to manage nearly 23,000 cases involving these companies, among others. In these cases, women allege that erosion of the mesh products caused intense pain, infection, organ damage, made sexual intercourse painful and caused women to have to undergo additional surgical procedures to remove the mesh products.

Many of these cases have been consolidated in the Multidistrict Litigation Court in U.S. District Court in the Southern District of West Virginia. One such of these cases is Cisson v. Bard, Inc. In Cisson, the plaintiff alleges that Bard executives ignored warnings from the company that manufactured the plastic placed in the devices that the plastic should not be permanently implanted in people. The Cisson trial, however, which began in early July 2013, was declared a mistrial after only two days of trial after a witness disobeyed the court’s order and testified about the devices’ marketing.

Meanwhile, according to Reuters, in June 2013, Endo Health Solutions, which owns American Medical Systems, Inc., agreed to pay more than $54.5 million to settle thousands of lawsuits in North America alleging its vaginal-mesh implants eroded and caused women pain. In addition, two women have received sizable verdicts after suing mesh manufacturers for their injuries. First, in July 2012, a California woman and her husband who sued C.R. Bard were awarded $5.5 million by a jury after she was forced to undergo nine revision surgeries. Next, in February 2013, a New Jersey woman won $11.1 million in her lawsuit against Johnson & Johnson’s Ethicon brand over its vaginal mesh product. In that case, the plaintiff underwent eleven surgeries.

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The risk of car accidents increases immensely during the summer months. Specifically, most car accidents occur during the period from Memorial Day to Labor Day. While July Fourth is historically the deadliest day on the roads, August is historically the deadliest month of the year for car crashes across the country. In addition, according to historical data tracked by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) from 1986 to 2002, Saturday and Friday are still the two deadliest days to drive, and rush hour from 3:00 – 6:00 pm remains the deadliest time to drive. Not surprisingly, the same held true as of 2010 as well.

More recently, research by, an online learning site for new drivers, revealed that summer remains the deadliest time to be on the road. More than 27% of annual traffic fatalities occur during July, August and September. One possible reason for the increased number of fatalities in the summer may be due to the fact that according to AAA, teen driving increases by 44% during the summer months. Indeed, per the NHTSA, motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death for teens in the United States, accounting for over 35% of all fatalities for 15 to 20 year olds. While this statistic may not be all that surprising, the fact that driving while intoxicated is not the leading the cause of death for crashes involving teens might indeed be. Instead, over 75% of serious car crashes involving teens are due to “critical errors.”

Unfortunately for Texans, according to the NHTSA’s FARS Data, in 2011, Texas was the most dangerous state for drivers in the U.S. with over 3,000 traffic-related fatalities. Moreover, according to the Texas Department of Transportation, as is the case in the rest of the country, July and August were the two deadliest months for car crashes in 2012.

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The start of summer means more time spent in and around swimming pools and lakes, which can mean more accidents and drowning deaths, especially for children.

According to the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS), as of June 11, 2013 there were 27 reported child-drowning deaths in Texas in 2013. The latest reported incident occurred June 15, 2013, when a four-year old drowned in the pool at an apartment building in Lewisville, Texas. Unfortunately, this was the second such incident in less than a week — a three-year old drowned in North Texas on June 13th in a pool at a private residence. On a positive note, the number of drowning deaths in Texas may be down from last year. The DFPS reported a total 74 drowning deaths last year, with a combined 30 deaths in June and July. Notably, 37 of these fatalities occurred in swimming pools, and children ages 2 and younger accounted for over 50% of the total fatalities.

Some safety tips from DFPS to prevent fatalities similar to the ones described above include:

1. Never leave children alone around water — this includes swimming pools, wading pools, drainage ditches, creeks, ponds, and lakes.

2. Keep an eye on children who are swimming or playing in water. They need an adult or certified lifeguard watching them at all times.

3. Make sure access to swimming pools is secure. Use fences (self-closing and latching), and water surface alarms.

4. Store water toys away from the water when not in use so they don’t attract small children.

5. Don’t assume young children will use good judgment and caution around water.

In addition, if you are a business or property owner, it is important to determine whether or not your pool or spa is considered “public” or “semi-public” pursuant to the San Antonio City Code. All public and semi-public swimming pools and spas are regulated by the City of San Antonio. According to the City Code, a semi-public swimming pool is: (1) Any privately owned swimming pool or spa that is open to the general public for a fee, or (2) any swimming or wading pool, spa or sauna, serving a private club, motel, hotel, apartment building, school, child care facility, recreational or physical fitness facility, institution, home owner’s association, or other similar activity or structure, the use of which is limited to members, residents, students, or clients and their guests. All public and semi-public swimming pools or spas located within the City of San Antonio must have a pool license.

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According to an article published by the San Antonio Express-News, there are 16 fertilizer production sites in Texas similar to the West Fertilizer Co. plant that received nationwide attention after it caught fire causing approximately 60,000 of ammonium nitrate to blow up, killing 15 people and injuring more than 200 in April 2013. In addition, Texas state officials also revealed that 129 facilities in Texas store at least 5 tons of ammonium nitrate and other potentially explosive materials. Even though some of the 16 plants are located in rural areas away from schools and residences, the incident at the West plant brought attention to the current federal and state law regarding the arguably insufficient regulation of potentially hazardous chemicals.

Notably, West Fertilizer was fined in 2011 for failing to safely transport potentially lethal tanks of anhydrous ammonia. In addition, the Environmental Protection Agency fined the company for failing to failing to maintain adequate risk management plans and venting ammonia into the air without obtaining permit. Finally, according to OSHA documents, the West Fertilizer was last inspected in 1985.

On June 17, 2013, the Texas House Homeland Security and Public Safety Committee held a second hearing since the West Fertilizer Co. plant fire, hoping to prevent another such disaster. During the hearing, lawmakers, including Rep. Joe Pickett who is the chairman of the House Homeland Security and Public Safety Committee, reviewed the existing rules in place for the safe handling of hazardous materials to determine whether Texas state laws need to be more strict and whether more oversight is needed.

Various agencies bear responsibility for oversight in the regulation and operation of facilities such as the West plant, including the Department of Public Safety, the Texas Division of Emergency Management, the Emergency Management Council, the Office of the Texas State Chemist, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, the Texas Department of Agriculture, the Department of State Health Services, and the Texas State Fire Marshall’s Office. Representatives from each of these agencies were invited to testify at the initial April 30th hearing and the June 17th hearing.

Unfortunately, an investigation following the West explosion revealed that no one of the state agencies list above had or exercised oversight of potentially dangerous facilities. This is the case despite the fact the federal law requires businesses to report their inventory of certain toxic and hazardous materials to state and local officials.

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The American Veterinary Medical Association estimates that the dog population in the United States reached approximately 70 million in 2011. This means that over 35% of the U.S. population has a dog. Unfortunately, this also leads to a high incidence of dog bites and dog attacks.

Indeed, a report released by State Farm on May 15, 2013, revealed that there are approximately 4.7 million dog bite victims each year. Dog bites are not only a serious health and safety issue that can cause injury and even death, but dog bites can also cost dog owners, insurance companies, and the nation a great deal of money. In fact, the Insurance Information Institute estimates that in 2012, insurers across the country paid nearly $489 million in dog bite claims.

At the same time, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says 800,000 Americans seek medical attention annually for dog bites. Of those injuries, nearly half require emergency room treatment. According to Prevent the Bite, a nonprofit organization devoted to dog bite prevention, many of those injuries are to children. The organization reports that from 2001 to 2011, dog bites were the ninth leading cause of nonfatal unintentional injury to children ages 5 to 9 (512,638) and tenth for children ages 10-14 (412,895).

In 2012, State Farm alone paid about $108 million in dog bite claims in 2012. Although dog bite claims were down by 2.1% in 2012 from 2011, Texas (along with three other states on State Farm’s Top 10 states for dog bite claims–Illinois, Indiana, and Georgia) reported more claims. Notably, according to the report, Texas ranked number three in the United States for State Farm dog bite claims, behind only California and Illinois. Specifically, 236 claims were made in Texas alone, costing State Farm an estimated $4.3 million.

Summer can be the most dangerous time of the year for dog bites as kids, neighbors, friends, relatives and pets interact more frequently. The National Dog Bite Prevention Coalition and the CDC provide various tips to prevent dog bites, including:

1. Do not leave a baby or small child alone with a dog, even if it is a family pet.
2. Never put your dog in a position where it feels threatened.
3. Put your dog on a leash in public.
4. Do not play aggressive games with your dog (e.g., wrestling).
5. Do not approach an unfamiliar dog.
6. Remain motionless (e.g., “be still like a tree”) when approached by an unfamiliar dog.

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According to a recent article in The New York Times, citing a study published online by BMJ Quality & Safety on April 22, 2013, most medical malpractice settlements and damage awards were the result of diagnostic mistakes. In fact, the study, which was compiled using the National Practitioner Data Bank, found that among the 350,706 paid malpractice claims analyzed from 1986 to 2010, diagnostic errors appeared to be the most common, most costly, and most dangerous types of medical mistakes.

More specifically, the report found that diagnostic errors were the leading type of paid medical malpractice claims (28.6%), and accounted for the highest proposition of total payments at 35.2%. Additionally, diagnostic errors accounted for 33.8% of the disabilities and almost 40% of the deaths that resulted in medical malpractice payments. Notably, more diagnostic errors were outpatient than inpatient (68.8% vs. 31.2%). However, inpatient diagnostic errors were more likely to be lethal (48.4% vs. 36.9%).

After diagnostic errors, treatment errors and surgical mistakes accounted for the second and third highest reasons for payouts. All other errors combined, including birth injuries and other obstetrical errors, medication mistakes, monitoring mistakes and anesthesia mistakes, accounted for only 20% of payouts total.

Moreover, a study of 190 errors at a VA hospital system in Texas found that, while many diagnostic errors involved common diseases such as pneumonia and urinary tract infections, 87% of these errors had the potential for “considerable to severe harm”, including “inevitable death.” A commentary on the Texas VA study revealed that misdiagnosis is not limited to hospitals. The commentary estimates that “with more than half a billion primary care visits annually in the United States . . .at least 500,000 missed diagnostic opportunities occur each year at U.S. primary care visits, more resulting in considerable harm.”

Dr. David E. Newman-Toker, a senior author of the study and an associate professor of neurology at John Hopkins, stated, “this is a major health problem”, and “physicians, hospitals, and insurers all need to contribute to fixing it.” Indeed, problems with misdiagnosis are not a new problem. In 1991, the Harvard Medical Practice Study found that misdiagnosis accounted for 14% of adverse events and that 75% of these errors involved negligence such as failure by doctors to merely follow up on test results. Furthermore, a 2009 report funded by the federal Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality found that 28% of 583 diagnostic mistakes reported by doctors were life threatening or had resulted in death of permanent disability.

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The National Safe Boating Council (NSBC) runs the North American Safe Boating Campaign each year. In advance of the kick off to summer, the week leading up to Memorial Day Weekend (May 18-24, 2013) is recognized as National Safe Boating Week.

As part of National Safe Boating Week, the U.S. Coast Guard initiated its “Wear It” campaign. The Coast Guard’s Safe Boating Campaign also advocates the following principles:

1. Wearing a life jacket saves lives.
2. Designate a driver. Sober boating saves lives.
3. Boater education saves lives.
4. Safe boats save lives.

The campaign hopes to educate the boating community about the importance of wearing life jackets and the various life jacket options available.

In 2012, an estimated 651 boating deaths were reported nationwide. Moreover, in 2011, the Coast Guard counted nearly 4,600 accidents that led to 758 deaths, 3,081 injuries and approximately $52 million dollars of property damage. Highlighting the importance of wearing a life jacket, 70% of those individuals involved in fatal boating accidents drowned, and 84% were not wearing a life jacket. Not surprisingly, the highest incidents of these accidents occur during the summer months of June and July.

A 21% increase in Texas boating accidents from 2010 to 2011 underscores the need for additional boating safety awareness. In Texas alone, 162 accidents were reported in 2012, with 32 fatalities reported. Texas Parks and Wildlife partnered with the Lower Colorado River Authority, the NSBC, the U.S. Coast Guard and other sponsors to promote the “Nobody’s Waterproof” campaign. The campaign is designed to increase water safety awareness and encourage the practice of safe boating. Texas also participates in the “Wear It” campaign.

In addition to the importance of wearing life jackets, it is essential to highlight the risks of driving a boat under the influence of alcohol. Driving a boat under the influence is just as dangerous as driving a car while impaired. It is illegal in all states to operate a boat while under the influence. According to the 2012 Recreational Boating Statistics released by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and the U.S. Coast Guard, aside from Florida, the State of Texas had the highest number of boating accidents that cited alcohol as a contributing factor.

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As summer approaches, you and your children will have more free time, which may mean more time for them, and you, to participate in outdoor activities, including bike riding.

According to the U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, in 2011, 677 pedacyclists were killed and an additional 48,000 were injured in motor vehicle crashes. This accounts for 2 percent of the people injured in traffic accidents in the United States each year. In Texas, pedacyclist traffic fatalities accounted for 1.4% of all traffic accident fatalities in 2011.

To ensure safe bicycle riding for you and your children, it is important to familiarize yourself and your children with the state and local laws.

In the State of Texas, all bicyclists, including children, must follow Texas Motor Vehicle laws while using public roads in Texas–this means that a person riding a bicycle has the same rights and duties of any driver.
The City of San Antonio is embracing the popularity of bicycle riding in Texas through its adoption of the Bike Light Ordinance and Safe Passing Ordinance. The Bike Light Ordinance, which is the same as Texas state law, requires that all bicycles have a front white light and a rear red reflector or red rear light. Failure to comply with the ordinance can lead to a fine of up to $200.

In addition, the City of San Antonio also adopted the Safe Passing Ordinance to help increase safety for bicyclists. The ordinance establishes a requirement that all motor vehicle operators maintain a safe passing distance from bicyclists–generally, 3′ for cars and 6′ for commercial or large trucks. Failure to keep a safe distance from bicyclists pursuant to this ordinance can lead to a fine of up to to $200.

Other important state and local bicyclist laws to remember include:

• Like drivers, you must obey all traffic signals and signs.

• In the City of Antonio, unless you are a member of law enforcement or emergency personnel, you may not ride your bicycle on the sidewalk.

• Like drivers of motor vehicles, you must yield to pedestrians in crosswalks.

• Riding against traffic is illegal.

• Your bicycle should only be used to carry the number of persons it was designed to carry.

• You are required to always keep at least 1 hand on the handle bars.

• Your bike must be equipped with breaks.

• A bicycle in use may not be attached to a vehicle on the roadway.

• You must ride as far over on the right side of the road as practicable.

Failure to comply with any of these laws is a Class C Misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of up to $200.

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Distracted driving includes activities such as eating, applying make-up, reaching into the backseat, using in-vehicle navigation systems and cell phone use. Yet, while there are many forms of distracted driving, all of which increase the likelihood of car crashes, cell phone use by drivers is the most deadly threat due to the fact that more drivers are engaging in cell phone use, and for longer periods of time. In fact, according to a 2012 survey conducted by the AAA Foundation For Traffic Safety, more than two in three drivers report talking on their cell phone while driving at least once in the past 30 days.

Cell Phone Conversations

The dangers of texting while driving receive the most attention in the media; however, using a cell phone to simply have a phone conversation, even with the use of hands-free technology, is also very dangerous. The National Safety Council estimates that 24% of all motor vehicle crashes involve cell phone use.

Additionally, drivers talking on handheld or hands-free cell phones are four times as likely to crash. Notably, a controlled driver simulator study conducted by the University of Utah found that drivers using cell phones had slower reaction times than drivers with a .08 blood alcohol content, the legal intoxication limit.

Traditional Texting vs. Voice-to-Text

In addition to having cell phone conversations while driving, approximately thirty-five percent of drivers admitted to reading a text or email while driving and twenty-six percent admitted to typing a text or email. What many people do not realize, however, is that voice-to-text may be just as distracting as traditional texting using your hands.

A study carried about the Texas Transportation Institute at Texas A&M University reveals that sending text messages via voice while driving can be just as dangerous as texting using your hands. Specifically, the study found that not only did it take drivers using voice-activated texting longer to send a message than traditional texting, but also that while texting (whether via voice or with fingers), a driver’s eye contact with the road decreased and response times were significantly delayed. Notably, and potentially the most concerning, is that drivers using speech-to-text devices felt like they were safer, despite the fact that the study revealed just the opposite: both types of texting are dangerous.

Steps Being Taken to Reduce Distracted Driving

Many steps have been taken to reduce the incidence of distracted driving, particularly, distracted driving associated with mobile devices.

For example, many states, including Texas, have enacted laws limiting the use of cell phones for some, or all individuals, while driving. According to the Texas Department of Transportation, in 2012, there were 90,378 traffic crashes in Texas that involved distracted driving. These crashes resulted in 18,468 serious injuries and 453 deaths. In fact, nearly one in four crashes in Texas involve driver distraction.

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In March 2013, a group of doctors and researchers sent a letter to the Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”) urging it to take action to protect teens and children from the health risks associated with energy drink consumption. The letter specifically states that there is scientific evidence that the high level of caffeine in energy drinks–about 80 to more than 500 milligrams of caffeine, compared with amount 100 mg in a 5-ounce cup of coffee or 50 mg in a 12-ounce soda–have adverse health and safety consequences.

Indeed, in the eight years since energy drinks such as Monster, Red Bull, Rockstar, and 5-Hour Energy have been on the market, the FDA has reported six deaths and eighteen hospitalizations associated with the energy drink Monster alone. In addition, according to the FDA, 5-Hour Energy drinks have been cited in 13 deaths in the last four years. Moreover, federal data shows that the number of emergency department visits involving energy drinks doubled from 10,068 visits in 2007 to 20,783 visits in 2011.

According to the Drug Abuse Warning Network (DAWN), a public health surveillance system that monitors drug-related emergency department visits in the U.S., the majority of energy drink-related emergency department visits involved either adverse reactions or misuse or abuse of drugs. Although males make up two-thirds of the energy drink-related emergency room visits since 2007, emergency room visits doubled for both sexes from 2007 to 2011. Finally, of the 20,783 emergency room visits in 2011, 58% involved only energy drinks, while the remaining 42% involved other drugs as well.

Typical problems linked to excessive caffeine consumption can include anxiety, headaches, irregular heartbeats and heart attacks. Other possible side effects include:

  • Caffeine toxicity
  • High blood pressure
  • Withdrawal
  • Dehydration
  • Irritability
  • Insomnia
  • Death

Notably, effects of the energy drink are even more heightened in individuals that suffer from certain pre-existing or undiagnosed conditions, including heart problems, epilepsy, seizures, mood or behavioral disorders. Individuals who use certain medications or other supplements may also be at a higher risk of health complications.

Recent Lawsuits
These deaths and hospitalizations have led to an array of lawsuits against energy drink companies. Last year, the family of a 14-year old Maryland girl sued Monster Beverage, alleging that its energy drink was responsible for the girl’s death. The teenage girl went into cardiac arrest after drinking two, 24-ounce cans of Monster in a 24-hour period. Monster Beverage denies the allegations, stating that a team of physicians they hired to review the girl’s medical records found no evidence to show caffeine was a factor in the girl’s death, concluding that she likely died of natural causes.

In addition, a class action lawsuit was also filed against Monster Beverage by its shareholders, alleging that the company knowingly marketed, advertised, and sold the drink as a safe beverage despite its toxic mix of ingredients.

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