Articles Posted in Car Accidents

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pexels-pixabay-263402-300x199When a Texas chain-reaction car accident occurs, it can often have devastating consequences. On top of potentially being more likely to cause injuries or death, these collisions are often more complex because of all of the parties involved. Establishing an accurate timeline that maps out exactly how the crash happened and who should be assigned which portion of fault can be a significantly challenging issue on its own. However, if a fatality follows an already complex series of crashes, the situation becomes even more complicated to navigate.

According to a recent local news report, a series of car crashes involving four vehicles left a teenage boy dead. The incident started when a Mercedes broke down on the side of the road when it ran into mechanical issues. Both occupants exited the Mercedes, and moments later, a Dodge pickup saw the Mercedes and stopped behind it. A Nissan traveling on the same road with a 17-year-old passenger slammed into the back of the Dodge pickup and hit another car on the road. The series of crashes concluded when the Nissan crashed into the rear of the Mercedes, which pushed it across the median and into the feeder road. The 17-year-old teenager who was riding in the Nissan did not survive the crash. Firefighters worked for nearly 45 minutes to free the driver of the Nissan, who barely escaped fatal injuries and was transported to a local hospital. According to law enforcement, there was no reason to believe that drugs or alcohol played a role in the crash, and the accident was likely caused by speeding.

In Texas, if a fatality occurs following a crash, it could potentially give rise to a wrongful death claim. Potential plaintiffs must understand the mechanics of bringing these claims. First, the party bringing the claim must prove that the deceased was not responsible for causing their own death and that it resulted from the negligence of another party.

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CS-San-Antonio-27-300x150In a typical car accident involving just two vehicles, it can be challenging to determine who was actually at fault. However, in collisions with several vehicles, resulting in multiple accidents, it can be even messier to determine how the accident started, who hit who, and what actually happened. In these Texas chain-reaction car accidents, it is crucial that accident victims have an experienced attorney in their corner to help them pursue the compensation they deserve.

According to a recent news report, a young man was killed in an accident when he laid down his motorcycle to avoid hitting a stopped car on the road. Local authorities stated that the motorcyclist was coming up a hill when he noticed a long line of stalled cars in front of him. When two vehicles that were ahead of the young man swerved out of the way to avoid crashing into the line of stalled cars, it caused the motorcyclist to lay down his bike and crash into the back of a stopped car. Although he was wearing a helmet, authorities reported that the motorcyclist did not survive the crash. The incident is still being investigated by local law enforcement, but the crash was likely an accident without criminal conduct involved.

One of the biggest problems in these accidents is that the at-fault party or parties do not have enough insurance coverage to fully compensate a victim for the injuries they suffered as a result of the accident. All Texas drivers must have auto insurance minimums of $30,000 per person and $60,000 per accident for bodily injury liability. Also, drivers are required to have at least $25,000 in coverage for property damage.

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pexels-burak-k-67088-300x200We’ve all been there—after a long day at work, or on the way to work, you find yourself fighting to keep your eyes open to focus on driving. In Texas, where most people own a car and driving is a regular part of getting around and commuting, Texas drivers are especially susceptible to these accidents because of how much time is spent on the road. Whether it was stress from the day or a restless night of sleep the night before, drowsy driving is dangerous and can often lead to fatal consequences. Unfortunately, Texas drowsy driving accidents are more common than you may expect.

According to a recent report, fatal drowsy driving accidents continue to be a widespread public safety issue in the United States. Between 2010 and 2018, drowsy driving accidents killed 7,392 people nationwide. In total, 22% of these accidents occurred on Texas highways and interstates, making the state home to America’s most drowsy drivers. Although the number of fatalities caused by these accidents has decreased since 2010, the number of accidents in Texas continues to be nearly four times greater than the state with the next greatest percentage of fatalities. On the state’s busiest, traffic-heavy roads, there were ten times more fatal crashes than the national average.

When it comes to drowsy driving accidents, people 25 to 34 are most susceptible to these crashes. Nearly 16% of victims from 2010 to 2018 were in this category, making this statistic especially troubling. Because a single accident stemming from drowsy driving is likely to kill more than one person, the lethal nature of these accidents must be emphasized.

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pexels-pixabay-263402-300x199Sometimes, unexpected things happen while driving, and pulling to the shoulder of the road is your only choice. Staying parked on the shoulder of the road, however, can be dangerous. Cars that drift out of their lanes can collide with your car, or worse, crash into you as you are attending to your vehicle. When these accidents occur, the thought of filing a San Antonio personal injury claim may feel overwhelming. Indeed, the recovery process can be a complex one, and it is crucial that you know what is required in a Texas personal injury claim.

According to a recent news report, two separate car accidents on a major roadway left two drivers dead. On the day of the first accident, a Chevrolet veered from its lane and crashed into an abandoned vehicle sitting on the shoulder of the road. As a result of the crash, two other cars collided and struck the Chevrolet, whose driver was pronounced dead at the scene. The drivers of the other two vehicles were taken to a local hospital, according to authorities. In the second crash, a woman died while she was on the shoulder, trying to repair a tow strap when a car collided with two disabled vehicles where she was standing.

When you are involved in a car accident in Texas, the law requires that you must first file an accident report with the local police department or sheriff’s office within 10 days of the crash, if you are able. In addition, following an accident, the sooner you file a claim with your insurance company, the better. This way, your insurer can investigate and, hopefully, get you the compensation you deserve as soon as possible. If you wait too long, you may be giving up your chance to report the accident and receive coverage for your losses.

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pexels-pixabay-289737-300x200Whether you’re sending your children to college for the first time as a parent or you’ve had an empty nest for a while, the start of an undergraduate career is often every bit as exciting as it is nerve-wracking. On the one hand, you’re proud of your kids for making it this far, but also nervous about what it’ll mean for them being on their own for the first time. However, no one ever expects to get bad news and hear that their children were involved in a major accident while away from home. When these incidents occur, those responsible can be held accountable through a Texas wrongful death or personal injury lawsuit.

According to a recent news report, two Dallas Baptist University students were killed in a deadly car crash. Both students had only just arrived on campus for their freshman year and were passengers in a friend’s car when the at-fault party crashed into their vehicle. Authorities reported that three other students were also involved in the accident and are recovering from non-life-threatening injuries. Currently, the investigation is still ongoing, and it is unclear if the responsible driver will be facing charges or if drugs or alcohol played a role in the accident.

In Texas, following an accident like this one, there are several legal actions you can take. Perhaps the most common is assessing whether you have a wrongful death claim. When a person passes away because of another person’s wrongful actions, you may have grounds for a claim. More specifically, in Texas, the death must have come about due to a “wrongful act, neglect, carelessness, unskillfulness, or default.”

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pexels-blue-ox-studio-1686961-300x225Everyone has heard a friend or loved one jokingly claim that everyone forgets how to drive when it rains. However, inclement weather or slippery and wet conditions can be a major danger to motorists, especially if there are many cars on the road. Every driver knows that when weather conditions are poor, driving with extra caution is crucial to ensuring your safety and the safety of others. Unfortunately, even with the utmost of caution, sometimes accidents inevitably happen.

In a recent news report, a tragic weather-related car accident left two Texans dead and one injured. The young driver and her passenger were both killed when their vehicle was hit head-on by a pick-up truck. According to officials on the scene, the pick-up truck was driving when it began to hydroplane and was sideswiped by another large vehicle, causing the pick-up truck to hit the deceased’s vehicle head-on. The driver of the pickup truck was taken to a local hospital on an ambulance because an air ambulance and helicopter was unable to fly due to the inclement weather. Officials on the scene reported that the accident was both a result of the weather and because of the hydroplaning of the responsible party’s pick-up truck.

In Texas, the weather is notoriously unpredictable. If you are involved in a vehicle collision, there are certain legal defenses that you should be aware of before initiating a claim.  Some potential main defenses include:

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pexels-mike-192364-300x225For many, a car serves as the primary method of transportation on a daily basis. However, no matter how careful someone is while on the road or how skilled they are at driving, other motorists who do not follow the traffic laws pose a significant threat. When others are careless and cause accidents or even fatalities to occur on the road, those who are responsible can be held accountable for their actions through a Texas personal injury lawsuit.

In a recent news report, a young Sheriff’s Deputy and his fiancé were killed in a tragic car accident. Officials say that a tanker truck may have run a stop sign and crashed into the deputy’s vehicle, which killed his fiancé on impact. He passed away shortly after and his brother, who was also a passenger, was airlifted in critical condition to a local hospital with spinal, facial, and arm injuries.

In Texas, cases like these can often pave the way for potential wrongful death claims. To file a wrongful death claim, one must first ensure that the circumstances surrounding their potential case fall within Texas’s definition of wrongful death. Claims can be filed by specific parties if the death is caused by a wrongful act involving carelessness, unskillfulness, or neglect. Thus, potential plaintiffs could have a claim if their loved ones die because of the negligence of others, such as during a major car accident, or a vehicle collision involving distracted driving.

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pexels-acharaporn-kamornboonyarush-1028742-300x200We’ve all been distracted while driving at some point while navigating our vehicles. Whether it’s exhaustion from a full day of work causing you to doze off or an urgent phone call out of nowhere from the office, we’ve all had a moment where we’ve zoned out while driving. However, not everyone is fortunate enough to emerge from these situations safe and sound. Often, accidents occur as a result of drifting off or distracted driving, and can have enormous, disastrous impacts. When such accidents occur and tragedy strikes, those who cause them can be held responsible for their actions.

In a recent news report, local authorities say that five people were killed, including three young children, in a major vehicle collision in West Texas. The Texas Department of Safety said that a young individual was driving an SUV when it drifted into a lane and collided with a pickup truck. The SUV driver and the pickup truck driver were both killed as a result of the crash, as well as the three children who were riding as passengers in the SUV. Officials say that the crash is still under investigation and that weather conditions were clear.

In Texas, filing a wrongful death claim can be complex. The state defines that such actions can be brought if someone’s “wrongful act, neglect, carelessness, unskillfulness, or default” results in another person’s death. Additionally, only certain parties may bring a wrongful death claim. For example, in Texas, the children, parents, and surviving spouse of the deceased may file such claims. Any number of qualifying parties can file a claim on their own, or they can choose to file all claims collectively. Adult children may also file wrongful death claims over the death of a parent in Texas. However, the law does not permit siblings to pursue wrongful death claims after the loss of a sister or brother.

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car-crash-cartoon-pictures-19An accident is always inconvenient, and costly, as well as dangerous. If you’re in an accident, it’s important to first call 911 immediately for anyone who is injured. Your next step? Call Carabin Shaw for a lawyer who is committed to making your bad situation better. And to prevent it from costing you more money and time.

We offer free phone, Facetime or in-person consultations so you can call us from the road or while at home. And for the convenience of our clients, we provide E-documentation options which save you time. We’re able to deliver your case documents straight to your phone. No travel time, parking issues or the added hassle of calling all the separate services for the help you need. We offer you immediate peace of mind by providing you with total accident assistance with one easy quick call to Carabin Shaw.

For your added convenience, we will arrange for a rental car to be delivered right to your front door. When an accident suddenly leaves you struggling with a need for cash, we are here to help arrange emergency cash loans for unforeseen expenses.
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 Photo Credit:  KPRC News

PASADENA, Texas (Jan 3, 2020)–  A Motorcycle Crash in Pasadena kills one man and lands another in custody. Police said the crash happened around 3:40 a.m. on Genoa Red Bluff Road between Space Center Boulevard and Red Bluff Road. A speeding motorcyclist heading westbound on Genoa Red Bluff T-boned the passenger side of a small, four-door sedan. The impact caused the sedan and motorcycle to spin and catch on fire. The motorcyclist was thrown from his bike and he was pronounced dead at the scene. The driver of the car — 30-year-old Stephen Dario Rodriguez — was transported to a hospital and is expected to survive.

Investigators determined Rodriguez had been driving under the influence and was charged with his third DWI. The victim of the crash has been identified as 24-year-old James Hubbs. The incident is still under investigation.

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