
Articles Posted in Wrongful deaths


February is American Heart Month

Learn when you can file a claim for a heart attack in Texas.   Heart Attacks: When Can You File a Claim? It’s the month of love – it’s also American Heart Month. Have you asked how your heart is lately? Maybe check if a twinge of pain has been…


Can I Sue for Carbon Monoxide Poisoning in Texas?

Carbon monoxide injures over 100,000 people every year.   Cold Weather and Carbon Monoxide: A Hidden Danger in the Winter Months This winter, while you’re bundling up in layers to stay warm, consider wrapping yourself in a bundle of knowledge, too—especially about the hidden risks that come with staying cozy.…


Beware and Be Aware: Halloween Safety for Child Pedestrians (2024)

More child pedestrians are killed in October than in any other month.   A Safe Halloween for Everyone: Child Pedestrian Safety Tips for Trick-or-Treaters in 2024 The countdown has begun: Halloween is almost here, and kids across Texas are brimming with excitement to show off costumes for a fun night…


3 Ways to Avoid Drunk Driving This Holiday Season

Choose safer habits this holiday season and start the new year with no regrets.   3 Practical Alternatives to Drunk Driving During the Holidays Everybody knows that driving drunk is dangerous, illegal, and just plain stupid. Yet, especially in San Antonio, drunk driving is still a major problem affecting even…


Consequences of Drug Possession in Texas

Drug abuse comes with harsh legal punishments in Texas.   Teen Charged with Murder after Fentanyl Overdose Kills a 15-Year-Old Highschool Student If you use the Google search engine, you probably know that today is Fentanyl Awareness Day. This comes just six days after a teenager in the Kyle, Texas…


145,000 Cans of Enfamil Recalled

Bottled formulas are a common replacement for breastfeeding.                           (February 27, 2023) Enfamil recalled nearly 145,000 cans of plant-based baby formula on Sunday, February 19, 2023, due to potential contamination. The parent company, Reckitt, said in a statement…


Aviation Accident Help

                          (June 3, 2022) On Thursday, June 2, 2022, a pilot crashed his plane in a Medina County field and walked away from the accident with only minor injuries, as reported by KSAT News. The pilot, William Fahey,…


Enfamil and Similac and NEC

                              After being fed baby formula, if your precious baby developed a horrendous disease called Necrotizing Enterocolitis (NEC), you might qualify for compensation. Recently, studies show that certain baby formula products have a higher chance of…


Paraquat Poisoning

                          Paraquat, a toxic chemical herbicide used to exterminate unruly weeds and grass, has been highly popularized in its use and was first produced for commercial use in 1962. There are many brands of paraquat products, and some…


Necrotizing Enterocolitis (NEC) and Baby Formula

                          Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC)  is a horrible disease that can affect premature infants. The condition is gastrointestinal and causes inflammation and infections in the intestines that can lead to the intestinal cells dying. If the inflammation gets severe,…

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