Articles Posted in work injury


February is American Heart Month

Learn when you can file a claim for a heart attack in Texas.   Heart Attacks: When Can You File a Claim? It’s the month of love – it’s also American Heart Month. Have you asked how your heart is lately? Maybe check if a twinge of pain has been…


Can I Sue for Carbon Monoxide Poisoning in Texas?

Carbon monoxide injures over 100,000 people every year.   Cold Weather and Carbon Monoxide: A Hidden Danger in the Winter Months This winter, while you’re bundling up in layers to stay warm, consider wrapping yourself in a bundle of knowledge, too—especially about the hidden risks that come with staying cozy.…


Do I Need A Worker’s Comp Attorney?

How Do You Know When You Need a Worker’s Comp Attorney for Your Claim?   How to Tell When You Need a Worker’s Comp Attorney There are roughly 340 million people injured at work in the United States every year. If an employer has worker’s compensation coverage, otherwise referred to…


Paraquat Increases Risk of Parkinson’s Disease

                          Paraquat is an extremely popular herbicide used by many licensed agricultural workers. The reason it’s so popular is that this product is highly effective when it comes to killing nasty weeds and overgrown grass. However, there are…


How Dangerous is Paraquat?

                          To save time and labor, farmers and agricultural workers often turn to herbicides to aid them in their agricultural work. For example, some herbicides like Paraquat aid them in exterminating overgrown weeds and other unwanted grasses. Unfortunately,…


Possible Side Affects of Paraquat

Vegetables spraying with pesticides in a garden                           Paraquat is a popular herbicide used among agricultural workers and farmers because of its highly destructive nature towards unwanted grasses and weeds. This herbicide is so good at its job…


How to Know if you have a Personal Injury Claim

                          How do you know if you have a personal injury claim? You can suffer personal injuries when injured physically, psychologically, or emotionally usually due to negligence, carelessness, or wrongful conduct of another individual. It’s typically the case…


Texas Acid Leak Kills Two Employees and Injures Many Others

Recently, two employees died, and 30 others suffered injuries after a chemical leak at a LyondellBasell Industries (LBI) plant in Texas. The company is one of the largest plastics, chemicals, and refining companies in the world. The Texas company boasts that its chemicals have provided modern ways to enhance food…


Texas Property Owners’ Liability for Employee Contractor Injuries

The Supreme Court of Texas recently issued an opinion in a case involving a property owner’s liability for injuries an employee contractor sustained while working on the property. The case arose when the two construction workers suffered injuries while working on a condominium project owned by the defendant. The defendant…


Court Addresses Exclusive Remedy Provision in Texas Workplace Accident Lawsuit

Recently, the Supreme Court of Texas issued a decision in a lawsuit stemming from injuries an employee suffered at his workplace. The case arose when a general contractor subcontracted with the defendant to drill a foundation for a commercial construction project. The plaintiff was working as a lead superintendent for…

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