
Articles Posted in San Antonio


June is Elder Abuse Awareness Month

Elder abuse cases are on the rise in Bexar County.   How to Spot Elder Abuse and What to Do About It 1 in 10 adults ages 65 and older is expected to experience some form of elder abuse in the United States. Elder abuse takes many forms and can…


Top 3 Construction Hazards Affecting Motorcyclists in San Antonio

Sudden changes in road grade and quality affect even the most skilled motorcyclists.   Continued Construction Across San Antonio Affecting Motorcyclists, Causing Injuries. San Antonio is experiencing major road construction projects across the city, and motorcyclists are paying a high price. KSAT News interviewed multiple motorcyclists across San Antonio who…


April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month

Vehicle touch screens can easily become another kind of distracted driving.   Distracted Driving in 2024: Prevention and Injury Help Distracted driving takes thousands of lives every year. But you knew that already. Distracted driving is not a new problem — ever since cell phones were invented, texting while driving…


Hit by an Uber/Lyft in San Antonio: Are They Commercial Vehicles?

In an Uber or Lyft accident? Find out why you need an attorney.   Are Rideshare Accidents Considered Commercial Vehicle Accidents in San Antonio? Rideshare companies have revolutionized the way we travel. As of 2021, ridesharing services had facilitated 11 billion trips in 10 years, and public transportation use decreased…


3 Ways to Avoid Drunk Driving This Holiday Season

Choose safer habits this holiday season and start the new year with no regrets.   3 Practical Alternatives to Drunk Driving During the Holidays Everybody knows that driving drunk is dangerous, illegal, and just plain stupid. Yet, especially in San Antonio, drunk driving is still a major problem affecting even…

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