
Articles Posted in Personal Injury


Paraquat Increases Risk of Parkinson’s Disease

                          Paraquat is an extremely popular herbicide used by many licensed agricultural workers. The reason it’s so popular is that this product is highly effective when it comes to killing nasty weeds and overgrown grass. However, there are…


Enfamil and Similac and NEC

                              After being fed baby formula, if your precious baby developed a horrendous disease called Necrotizing Enterocolitis (NEC), you might qualify for compensation. Recently, studies show that certain baby formula products have a higher chance of…


How Dangerous is Paraquat?

                          To save time and labor, farmers and agricultural workers often turn to herbicides to aid them in their agricultural work. For example, some herbicides like Paraquat aid them in exterminating overgrown weeds and other unwanted grasses. Unfortunately,…


Possible Side Affects of Paraquat

Vegetables spraying with pesticides in a garden                           Paraquat is a popular herbicide used among agricultural workers and farmers because of its highly destructive nature towards unwanted grasses and weeds. This herbicide is so good at its job…


Paraquat Poisoning

                          Paraquat, a toxic chemical herbicide used to exterminate unruly weeds and grass, has been highly popularized in its use and was first produced for commercial use in 1962. There are many brands of paraquat products, and some…


How to Know if you have a Personal Injury Claim

                          How do you know if you have a personal injury claim? You can suffer personal injuries when injured physically, psychologically, or emotionally usually due to negligence, carelessness, or wrongful conduct of another individual. It’s typically the case…


Paraquat and Parkinson’s Disease

                          What is Paraquat? Paraquat, also known as Gramoxone, is an herbicide primarily used for weed and grass management. However, According to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), It is a toxic chemical. The CDC also…


Similac and Enfamil Face Lawsuits over Defective Baby Formula

In premature infants, both Enfamil, a baby formula manufactured by Mead Johnson, and Similac, a baby formula manufactured by Abbott Laboratories, can cause necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC). This gastrointestinal condition, necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC), is severe and causes intestinal tissue death. It may even be fatal in as many as 50% of…


Fatalities on Texas Roadways

Here at Carabin Shaw, we are concerned about making Texas roads safer and our state an even better place to live. Kxan reports that in Austin, “On average, more than 11 people have died each day in traffic-related accidents on Texas roadways in 2021, state transportation leaders said Thursday. Each…


Texas Amusement Park Injury Lawsuit

Texas’ year-round warm climate combined with vast open spaces make the state home to an array of theme parks, amusement parks, and outdoor recreational parks. While these locations are a great place for couples and families to spend a day together, they also pose many risks to park-goers and employees.…

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