
Questions remain unanswered regarding Boeing’s 737 MAX Aircraft

Special Reporting:  Jesse E. Guerra Jr. Of Counsel attorney with Carabin Shaw PC

Boeing’s MAX Fixes Not Likely to Get FAA Approval Until February

Wow! Not sure where this leaves passengers wanting to feel safe boarding these planes in the future.  It seems that Boeing and the Federal Aviation Administration have more work to do to help prevent future disasters  These planes continue to be grounded until a safer solution arises. Let’s hope for all concerned that comes sooner than later. Not sure if Boeing will go back to the drawing board on this design since there seems to be a goal to find a less costly solution to the alleged design failures as opposed to starting from scratch on a new model aircraft. Thus far, two recent crashes occurred with Boeing’s 737 MAX Airplane despite known warnings of this designs airworthiness and  control systems.  A huge question remains as to how much the FAA and Boeing itself knew about potential problems with this aircraft.

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