How do you know if you have a personal injury claim? You can suffer personal injuries when injured physically, psychologically, or emotionally usually due to negligence, carelessness, or wrongful conduct of another individual. It’s typically the case…
Texas Injury Lawyers Blog
Paraquat and Parkinson’s Disease
What is Paraquat? Paraquat, also known as Gramoxone, is an herbicide primarily used for weed and grass management. However, According to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), It is a toxic chemical. The CDC also…
Similac and Enfamil Face Lawsuits over Defective Baby Formula
In premature infants, both Enfamil, a baby formula manufactured by Mead Johnson, and Similac, a baby formula manufactured by Abbott Laboratories, can cause necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC). This gastrointestinal condition, necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC), is severe and causes intestinal tissue death. It may even be fatal in as many as 50% of…
What is Necrotizing Enterocolitis?
You might be wondering what Necrotizing enterocolitis or NEC is. It is a common and severe intestinal condition among premature infants. It occurs when tissue in the large or small intestine is injured or inflamed. When the tissue gets damaged or inflamed, it may lead to the death of intestinal…
Fatalities on Texas Roadways
Here at Carabin Shaw, we are concerned about making Texas roads safer and our state an even better place to live. Kxan reports that in Austin, “On average, more than 11 people have died each day in traffic-related accidents on Texas roadways in 2021, state transportation leaders said Thursday. Each…
Toxic Baby Formula Causes Birth Defects in Premature Infants and Newborns
Bringing new life into the world is one of the most joyous occasions an individual can experience. When someone becomes a parent, the world changes instantly and all prior priorities fade. That means that when something tragic happens to a baby, the pain is beyond description. …
The Costly and Preventable Aftermath of a Texas Car Accident
According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), motor vehicle accidents are the leading cause of injury in the country. Most Texas car accidents are preventable, and negligent drivers are responsible for these incidents’ harmful and expensive aftermath. The CDC explains that Americans spend over 1 million days in the…
Houston Astros Settle Case Following Foul-Ball Injury
In many situations, those who suffer injuries at a public location because of another’s negligence may claim recovery under Texas’ premises liability laws. However, like most tort laws, premises liability is rife with exceptions and immunity clauses. The exceptions largely hinge on the classification of the property or business owner…
Texas Negligence Lawsuit Against Outdoor Expedition Company
Recently, an appellate court issued an opinion in an accident lawsuit involving a Texas resident. The victim’s joined his church group on an out-of-state wilderness expedition trip. The church hired a company to arrange the group’s activities. The company required the participants to complete a “registration form” and “medical form.”…
Nearly 60 Percent of Child Car Seats Are Misused and Dangerous
San Antonio, Texas: It’s back to school and back on the roads in Texas, make sure your children are safely buckled up or strapped in for trips in the car. Motor vehicle crashes are a leading cause of death among children. While most people believe their children are properly buckled…