
Texas Injury Lawyers Blog


Safety Concerns Related to Use of Medtronic Infuse Bone Growth Product in Texas, Nationwide

Questions have surfaced related to the safety of Infuse, a bioengineered spinal bone growth product produced by Medtronic. Although Infuse was previously hailed as a major medical breakthrough in spine surgery, the product is currently being investigated by the United States Senate and the Department of Justice over omissions from…


Widow Files Lawsuit After Worker Dies in Texas City Industrial Accident

The widow of a 26-year-old worker killed in an industrial accident last month has filed a lawsuit for herself and on behalf of the couple’s minor child against her husband’s employer. Virgel James Stoker died after he purportedly became entangled in machinery used to package company products at Dallas Group…


Construction Worker in Critical Condition After Equipment Lands on Top of Him Near Austin

The United States Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) are investigating a construction accident near Austin that sent a worker to the hospital on Tuesday. A construction worker in his 30’s suffered a cardiac arrest after a roller machine he was operating to pack and flatten dirt…

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