
Texas Injury Lawyers Blog


Common Links to More and More Trucking Accidents

Common Links to More and More Trucking Accidents  With a 20% increase in trucking accidents over the last two decades according to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMSCA), there are more and more trucking accidents occurring across Texas. And when these types of accidents occur typically the result is…


Court Holds Judges Should Watch Video Evidence Before Ruling on Its Admissibility

Earlier this month, the state’s high court issued a written opinion in a Texas workplace injury case requiring the court to determine whether the trial court was acting within its discretion when it precluded video evidence without actually viewing the video. Ultimately, the court concluded that “except in rare circumstances,”…


Texas Court Rejects Employer Liability After Employee Cited in Car Accident

In some cases, employers can be held responsible for their employees’ actions, including Texas car accidents involving employees. In a recent decision, a Texas appeals court considered the employer’s responsibility after its employee was involved in a car accident. The plaintiff was in a car accident with a moving company’s…


Texas Supreme Court Rules on Sufficiency of Expert Report in Medical Malpractice Case

Texas medical malpractice claims must meet certain requirements in order to continue in court. In a recent case, the Supreme Court of Texas issued a decision concerning a plaintiff’s requirement to submit an expert report in a medical malpractice case.In that case, a woman had cataract surgery on her left…


Court Determines Texas Plaintiff’s Workplace Injury Case Was Filed Too late

In a recent case, the state’s Supreme Court ruled against a plaintiff in a Texas workplace injury case. The plaintiff was employed by an energy company, where his employer and another energy company were drilling for oil. The incident that resulted in this lawsuit occurred when an employee of the…


Supreme Court of Texas Reverses Lower Court’s Decision in Car Accident Case in Favor of Plaintiff

Earlier this month, the Supreme Court of Texas issued a written opinion in a Texas car accident case involving the question of whether the defendant employer could be held liable for the allegedly negligent actions of an employee. Ultimately, the court concluded that the lower court improperly granted the defendant…


Establishing Liability in Texas Truck Accident Cases

Liability in Texas car crashes is generally governed by negligence principles. Negligence refers to a party’s failure to act in a way that an ordinarily prudent person would act under the circumstances to prevent an unreasonable risk of harm. Under Texas law, the elements of a negligence claim are:  1)…


Plaintiff’s Case Against Government Dismissed Based on Failure to Provide Adequate Notice

When someone is injured due to the allegedly negligent act of a government employee or entity, they may be entitled to compensation for their injuries through a Texas personal injury lawsuit. However, as a general rule, government entities are not liable for injuries caused by their negligent actions related to…


Texas Supreme Court Dismisses $2 Million Judgment for Submitting Improper Claim to Jury

Seemingly small decisions in a case can end up making or breaking a case. In a recent Texas construction injury case, the Supreme Court of Texas dismissed a $2 million judgment on appeal after the plaintiff submitted a negligence claim to the jury instead of a premises liability claim. The Facts…

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