Photo Credit: CBS 11
(FT. WORTH, Feb 3, 2020) – At least two people have been injured after a crash involving a Trinity Railway Express (TRE) train and an 18-wheeler. The accident happened Jan. 28 around 7:30 a.m. during the morning commute at the 400 block of Riverside Drive, east of downtown Fort Worth.
The 18-wheeler was stopped on the train tracks due to traffic. Officials with the Fort Worth Fire Department said that the semi was hauling 30,000 pounds of aluminum. Emergency crews treated the driver of the tractor-trailer at the scene. Officials are still investigating the accident.
Train crew members spied the truck still on the tracks and took emergency steps to assure the passengers on the train were prepared. All were told to move towards the back of the rail cars and the engineer applied emergency breaks in order to slow the train before the collision.
Two of the 50 passengers on the train suffered minor injuries and were treated at the scene.
Safety Tips While Driving Near Railroad Crossings:
In a collision with a train, you are 40 times more likely to be killed than if you were in a collision with another car. It is important to remember these tips while driving near railroad crossings:
- Reduce speed when approaching crossings and look both ways.
- Turn down your stereo and listen for a train.
- If red lights are flashing or if crossing arms have been lowered, stop.
- Never stop on the tracks. A train going 50 miles per hour needs a mile and a half to stop.
- Be sure all tracks are clear before crossing – there may be more than one set.
Texas law requires motorists to yield the right of way to trains. It is also against the law to cross tracks if a train is visible or to drive around gates that have been lowered at a railroad crossing. If the gates are down and no train is coming, the road is closed.

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When a traumatic accident such as this type occurs, adrenaline will often override the immediate pain of any injury especially ones to the back and neck. Sometimes this is not evident until days or even weeks later. Because such injuries are not always immediately evident, you may not realize that you may still have the legal right to recover compensation.
If you, a family member or loved one has been injured due to a train collision or related accidents, contact an attorney who specializes in these cases to review your legal options. You may be entitled to compensation for damages, medical treatments, and lost wages due to the incident.
Lawyers at Carabin Shaw help clients get the care and attention they deserve after a serious incident. Our experienced attorneys represent people and families who have suffered catastrophic injuries and tragic wrongful deaths throughout the state of Texas. If you or a loved one has been injured contact us today at 800-862-1260.
The personal injury attorneys of Carabin Shaw provided the information herein as a community service.